Japan: December 16, 2016,12:10

Korea: December 16, 2016,12:10






Japanese often plays one sports. The child who is younger than primary school is play club team. 

junior high, high, college: club activities

adult: business group

   ・play sports in a company

   ・concert and belongs to the team

poplar sports

  1. baseball 👑
  2. soccer
  3. tennis
  4. sumo wrestling
  5. golf



★elite P.E. system

It's sort children that has high sports ability.

  1. A item with a few number of players.
  2. A item with a little physique.

Korea is gold medal supremacy. It's reward more than Japan. If It's top-level who can guarantee one's lifetime. If man win the Olympics who exempt from military service.

In the case of teenager woman, seven out of ten

people don't sports at all.

1 % of school has pool.

Korean poplar sports is baseball, soccer, 

tae kwon do and golf.

? Question ?

  1. What sports are popular in your country?
  2. Is there such a system in your country?
  3. Is the baseball popular in your country?